First of all, I did not get a glimpse of Mt Kilimanjaro until our first day of hiking. I think this is a good thing. I approached this climb as I did day (step) at a time. I didn't want to psyche myself out. Starting the climb, I didn't quite know what to think. I was nervous. Will I make it? What if I don't? What will keep me from it? These questions plagued my thoughts with each step that I took.
We started the 1st day of our climb by eating a wholesome breakfast (hotdogs, baked beans, fried potatoes, eggs, fruit, some sort of pancake with no syrup, homemade bread, jam, coffee, juice, etc) at the hotel followed by checking out of the hotel, loading into a shuttle and driving a few hours to the base of our trail. There are many different trails that lead to Kilimanjaro and I think all are tough in their own way. The route we took was known as the Rongai route. I can remember being in the shuttle so nervous. We arrived and had to sign in. When we started, I fell behind everyone else. Something I have learned to deal with...I do everything a little slower than I used to. I try not to use that as an excuse, but I also have to remember my body has been through a lot and it takes time to recover. But also, I have read a lot on this climb and have been told to go slowly. So I am not taking any chances. Pole Pole (means slowly, slowly in Swahili). We started off in the Pine Forest.
From the Pine Forest, we move on into the Rain Forest. As I am walking, a guide slows down and walks with me. His name was Rama. I tried word associations to remember the language and pronunciations. With him, I thought of a tomato. He was so sweet and sincere. He spoke very good English too. We talked about religion. We talked about life. Now, a bit of a surprise...Rama loves classical country...OMG, I do too. So if you can imagine we are walking through the African Rain Forest on our way to climb Mt Kilimanjaro singing old country songs.
He was also teaching me the Kilimanjaro song. I will post a video or the words further into the story. We then caught up to the group who were all taking pictures of Colobus Monkeys in the rain forest...I caught the tail end of it and ended up with not one good picture. They were so beautiful but it is a picture etched in my mind. So we continue on our walk. It was at this time too that the guides were trying to figure out why I was walking so slow. I thought "well hell, y'all said Pole Pole". But also apparently, I had packed all but the kitchen sink in my day pack. I mean, it was my first time on the trails to Kilimanjaro. Please don't forget I don't hike, I don't camp....therefore, I don't know. So, Rama takes on the task of carrying my pack. Oops. So we continue the hike through the African Rain Forest...doesn't that sound awesome? I think so. There was something so magical about it.
The above picture shows some of the peeps from our group: We had Mickey and Lisa, Arinn and Benjy, Tasha, Kraig, Scott, Karey, Macon, plus guides and porters and assistant guides.

He had a real passion for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Pardon...yes we sang loud and proud:)!
He was also teaching me the Kilimanjaro song. I will post a video or the words further into the story. We then caught up to the group who were all taking pictures of Colobus Monkeys in the rain forest...I caught the tail end of it and ended up with not one good picture. They were so beautiful but it is a picture etched in my mind. So we continue on our walk. It was at this time too that the guides were trying to figure out why I was walking so slow. I thought "well hell, y'all said Pole Pole". But also apparently, I had packed all but the kitchen sink in my day pack. I mean, it was my first time on the trails to Kilimanjaro. Please don't forget I don't hike, I don't camp....therefore, I don't know. So, Rama takes on the task of carrying my pack. Oops. So we continue the hike through the African Rain Forest...doesn't that sound awesome? I think so. There was something so magical about it.
The above picture shows some of the peeps from our group: We had Mickey and Lisa, Arinn and Benjy, Tasha, Kraig, Scott, Karey, Macon, plus guides and porters and assistant guides.

As we continue on the trail, it gets a little steeper. But Rama and I sang songs and took small breaks (so I could catch my breathe). We end Day 1 at our 1st camp. JJ, Rama and I arrived about 30 minutes behind the group, but I didn't mind...Pole Pole. It was exciting...everything was already set up as far as our tents. And the sun was setting on Kilimanjaro. You look around and try to take everything in. Fresh, hot water is brought to us for washing up. I had so much stuff packed for keeping clean and smelling nice while out on the trails. One thing I learned is that no matter how nice and neat and organized you try to make things, you can't ever find what you need when you are in a cramped a tent. So, we are trying to wash our hands and arms, etc for dinner. Whew, who knew you could get so dirty from hiking a few hours. So dinner was ready and I remember thinking "WOW! This is dinner? I may not lose that weight after all." It was like a 3 course meal that started with soup. All I can really remember is that it seemed like the food just kept coming in and it was delicious. After dinner, we were given our instructions for the next day. Things like what time to wake up and basically how the day would play out as far as our hike and where we would end up...what time, etc. I went to the tent to try and prepare our things for the next day while JJ stayed up with a few others in the group.
Let me also not forget to mention the bathrooms. Yes we had bathrooms. They were wooden boxes with a hole in the floor. By the end of the week, it surprised me how great I got at squatting while holding my nose while unraveling toilet paper so it did not touch anything while sometimes even holding a flash light all the while holding my pants so they remained clean. Good times!
Check back tomorrow for more on the Teal Diva climb to Kilimanjaro.
Let me also not forget to mention the bathrooms. Yes we had bathrooms. They were wooden boxes with a hole in the floor. By the end of the week, it surprised me how great I got at squatting while holding my nose while unraveling toilet paper so it did not touch anything while sometimes even holding a flash light all the while holding my pants so they remained clean. Good times!
Check back tomorrow for more on the Teal Diva climb to Kilimanjaro.
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