classic story...girl plans all festivities and man just goes with the flow; girl wants to be surprised on valentine's day, so she asks man to plan all by himself; girl's first mistake. guy waits until the last minute even after constant reminders from girl. guy calls around on valentine's day and everything is booked...shocker. guy brainstorms and decides he knows a place where no reservation is needed and no dressing up required...perfect. guy tells girl, be ready at worries with dressing up and reservations weren't required. girl is very happy. girl asks "where are we going?", guy says, it's a surprise. ooh, even better. girl + boy head out. boy gets on highway and girl thinks...where could we be going??? girl swallows a thought, takes a deep breathe and spouts out the name of a restaurant desperately hoping she is wrong. guy says "yes!!!!!!!! i thought it would be funny". girl desperately seeking for the humor in the situation.
so i am sure you are on the edge of your seat if this is your first time hearing this.
valentine's day + man in charge of planning = truck stop.
let me say it again...valentine's day + man in charge of planning = truck stop.

please don't think girl let boy off the hook...we bought memorabilia.
and at the wedding...yes there was a wedding, girl + boy were whisked away guessed it, a big truck...because girl + boy thought it would be funny!
so next time you are headed through lexington, nc off of I-85, look for bill! he is always on the side of the road waving at'cha.
lesson: a very unplanned and non-traditional evening = one of my favorite memories ever:) thank you my sweet!!!
i hope you enjoyed our fondest valentine's day memory.
with love, jj & shannon
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