Monday, January 14, 2013

competitive spirit

when i was a teenager, i dated this guy and he was a total mother's worst nightmare.  he was the guy who you totally liked but who was too cool to show you he liked you back. i am not sure if that makes sense to anyone.  at any rate, we dated for a while.  well it was around {christmas} and we had agreed to 'not' exchange gifts.  my mom kept asking me if i should get him something which i found odd because she didn't like him...thank goodness i bought him something...or did i? i can't remember.  anyway, {christmas} morning i opened a gift  from {santa} and it was a wooden box.  i am almost embarrassed to admit this but in high school i loved betty boop.  so, the box had a hand drawn betty boop on it and inside it was filled with hershey kisses and a little box.  in the box was a ring and a note {for my eyes only}.  i still have the box with all its contents {minus the kisses}.

well time went on, we broke up.  holding on to such a treasure, as you can imagine, might cause a little competitive spirit to be evoked.  Especially with someone who is a very handy carpenter.  so for our anniversary....not to be out done....i have a new box that is absolutely handmade {without} a single nail:):)!!

here is the semi - complete version

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