Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spidey Snuggie

JJ is undergoing treatment for kidney disease. Like an autoimmune disorder, his body is attacking his kidneys.  The treatment will hopefully slow the process down.  An alternative would be dialysis and we are trying to prevent that.  

As you can see below, his spirits are good:).

Today, dear sweet JJ will be sporting this super trendy snuggie at the chemo lab, thanks to our dear friends, Erica and Jason!!  We love it!!  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant...

Hard Worker. Opinionated. Truthful. Avid Walker. Master Tickler. Storyteller. Friend. True Believer. Lawnmower Repairman. Trustworthy. Milk Man. Dog Hater. Democrat. Faithful. Kind Soul. Devoted. A Man of His Word. Brother. Father. Uncle. PawPaw.

Today my PawPaw went to be with his father in heaven after an 11 year battle with cancer.  He never took chemotherapy nor radiation.  In the end, I think he was just tired of fighting everything.  His kidneys shut down.  

I had the opportunity to tell him I loved him.  I told him I was honored to have known him.  I told him what a great leader he had been for our family...what a great Christian example he had set for us all.  I told him I would meet him again in heaven....I made a promise to him that I along with my brother would see him again.   And when I did, his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.  He pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly.  He smiled and laughed as if he was so very proud to hear that.  I hugged him right back knowing this was our good-bye.  And I cried into his shoulder, kissed his face and stared into his eyes. I would have never believed you could have a conversation without saying anything but we did.

At some point when I was a teenager, I started going on my own to visit with him.  We would go hiking at Mt Pilot or Stone Mountain.  We would talk and spend time together.  I always remember hearing him tell people, "This here is my grand-daughter.  She came up from Charlotte to spend the day with me."  I always had the most fun with him.  He would tell me about when he was younger or we would talk about when I was younger.  Sometimes we just enjoyed our surroundings.  We would drink out of the mountain creeks...which may surprise many who know me.  I grew to cherish time with him. We would sometimes go antiquing.  I love hearing his stories of how he convinced restaurants to change names because their choice for a name was not appealing to him...nor anyone else for that matter.

Just last year he told me he wanted to hear me speak for Teal Diva. I didn't really have anything on the books, but I felt the need to make something happen.  So I contacted every single college in NC and surrounding.  Winthrop University responded immediately.  They are less than 20 minutes from my house.  So my dad arranged it so my PawPaw could come.  It was one of the best speeches I have ever given.  The audience was one of the best....everything was perfect. 

The following picture is my favorite picture EVER of my PawPaw.  I remember this day vividly.  He hated wearing overhauls, but I always thought he looked so cute in them. I knew the day would come when all I had were memories.  And this is a memory I never want to fade.  So I told him I wanted him to dress in his denim overhauls, his Ford cap and grab his walking stick (with PawPaw carved on it) I had given him a few years prior.  We set out to his FAVORITE place in the world...Stone Mountain, NC.  He frequented Stone Mountain State Park several times a week.  He would walk the trails, talk to hikers, watch people attempt to climb the Big Rock.  He loved meeting new people.  My dad always says I never meet a stranger, I guess I got that from my PawPaw.  I wanted a picture of my PawPaw in front of his most FAVORITE SPOT in his most FAVORITE place wearing my FAVORITE outfit. I had it made into a painting and it hangs in my house.

I will miss this man!  But I am so happy he is home. After 40 years, he is reunited with his wife.  He is comforted by his Father and enjoying the rewards for his faithfulness.  I love you so much PawPaw and will miss my time with you! But  you will forever be in my heart.

"His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter you into the joy of your lord."  ~ Matthew 25:23

Thursday, January 17, 2013

feeling blessed

Acts 24:3

In every way and everywhere we accept this with all gratitude.

Monday, January 14, 2013

competitive spirit

when i was a teenager, i dated this guy and he was a total mother's worst nightmare.  he was the guy who you totally liked but who was too cool to show you he liked you back. i am not sure if that makes sense to anyone.  at any rate, we dated for a while.  well it was around {christmas} and we had agreed to 'not' exchange gifts.  my mom kept asking me if i should get him something which i found odd because she didn't like him...thank goodness i bought him something...or did i? i can't remember.  anyway, {christmas} morning i opened a gift  from {santa} and it was a wooden box.  i am almost embarrassed to admit this but in high school i loved betty boop.  so, the box had a hand drawn betty boop on it and inside it was filled with hershey kisses and a little box.  in the box was a ring and a note {for my eyes only}.  i still have the box with all its contents {minus the kisses}.

well time went on, we broke up.  holding on to such a treasure, as you can imagine, might cause a little competitive spirit to be evoked.  Especially with someone who is a very handy carpenter.  so for our anniversary....not to be out done....i have a new box that is absolutely handmade {without} a single nail:):)!!

here is the semi - complete version

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

6 yr photos

most of you know jj and i have photos taken each year to commemorate each year of marriage and to see how we change from year to year.  we just thought it would cool to look back on it as we grow older.

so here are a few from our most recent session thanks to the talented lucy and steven randall with smitten and hooked photography.

 our family tree

sweet nothings {muffins}

our love for old skool music...our most fave is van morrison

this was jj's anniversary present but he had no idea.  it is an iron puzzle called captive heart

Friday, January 4, 2013

a first for me

so a friend of mine, amanda asked me to take pictures of her family for {christmas}.  i have taken pics of brothers and sisters before but never {grown ups} so i was so i love amanda!  they told me they wanted urban and the rest was up to me.  i have had my eye on this spot for a long {long} time.  jj and i scouted it earlier in the day.  having the opportunity to photograph people i enjoy being around in a location i have been longing to shoot was a perfect combination for this afternoon.

we had a lot of fun and i {absolutely} adore this much fun.  here are just a few...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Stuffed Eggplants

found this recipe on {pinterest}.  i want to start by saying, i made a {huge} mistake with this recipe by using ground turkey in place of sausage...what was i thinking????!!!  do not do that!! this recipe is {super} healthy, has a variety of flavors that compliment one another and anyone who is willing to give it a try, will like it a lot!!

You need:
  • 4 medium eggplants
  • Sea salt
  • Olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 shallot, chopped finely
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced finely
  • 1 small carrot, peeled and grated finely
  • 1/2 sweet potato, peeled and grated finely
  • 4 medium tomatoes, blanched, peeled, seeds and diced
  • 1 pound (450 g) ground pork
  • 1 large egg
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 ounces (60 g) ComtĂ© cheese, grated (we found it at Trader Joe's)
  • Pepper
  • Using a small spoon, scoop the flesh out of the eggplants. Sprinkle the inside with salt and turn them, face down, on a working surface. Leave to rest for 30 minutes minimum. Chop the flesh finely and keep 1 cup aside.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 F and have an oiled baking dish ready.
  • In a frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. When warm, add the shallot, ground cumin and coriander. Cook for 2 minutes and add the garlic. Continue to cook for 1 minute.
  • Add the grated carrots and sweet potato and cook, stirring once in a while, for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the tomatoes, season with salt and pepper and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Add 1 cup of the eggplant flesh and cook, stirring occasionally until the vegetable preparation looks soft. Transfer to a bowl and let cool slightly.
  • Stir in the meat, 3/4 of the cheese and then the egg. Add the parsley.
  • Stuff the eggplants with this preparation. Place the eggplants in the dish and sprinkle with the rest of the cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and add water (or chicken stock) at the bottom of the dish (enough to create a small bed). Bake the eggplants for 1 hour, or until the cheese is lightly colored. These are even better the second day.