Hard Worker. Opinionated. Truthful. Avid Walker. Master Tickler. Storyteller. Friend. True Believer. Lawnmower Repairman. Trustworthy. Milk Man. Dog Hater. Democrat. Faithful. Kind Soul. Devoted. A Man of His Word. Brother. Father. Uncle. PawPaw.
Today my PawPaw went to be with his father in heaven after an 11 year battle with cancer. He never took chemotherapy nor radiation. In the end, I think he was just tired of fighting everything. His kidneys shut down.
I had the opportunity to tell him I loved him. I told him I was honored to have known him. I told him what a great leader he had been for our family...what a great Christian example he had set for us all. I told him I would meet him again in heaven....I made a promise to him that I along with my brother would see him again. And when I did, his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. He pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly. He smiled and laughed as if he was so very proud to hear that. I hugged him right back knowing this was our good-bye. And I cried into his shoulder, kissed his face and stared into his eyes. I would have never believed you could have a conversation without saying anything but we did.
At some point when I was a teenager, I started going on my own to visit with him. We would go hiking at Mt Pilot or Stone Mountain. We would talk and spend time together. I always remember hearing him tell people, "This here is my grand-daughter. She came up from Charlotte to spend the day with me." I always had the most fun with him. He would tell me about when he was younger or we would talk about when I was younger. Sometimes we just enjoyed our surroundings. We would drink out of the mountain creeks...which may surprise many who know me. I grew to cherish time with him. We would sometimes go antiquing. I love hearing his stories of how he convinced restaurants to change names because their choice for a name was not appealing to him...nor anyone else for that matter.
Just last year he told me he wanted to hear me speak for Teal Diva. I didn't really have anything on the books, but I felt the need to make something happen. So I contacted every single college in NC and surrounding. Winthrop University responded immediately. They are less than 20 minutes from my house. So my dad arranged it so my PawPaw could come. It was one of the best speeches I have ever given. The audience was one of the best....everything was perfect.
The following picture is my favorite picture EVER of my PawPaw. I remember this day vividly. He hated wearing overhauls, but I always thought he looked so cute in them. I knew the day would come when all I had were memories. And this is a memory I never want to fade. So I told him I wanted him to dress in his denim overhauls, his Ford cap and grab his walking stick (with PawPaw carved on it) I had given him a few years prior. We set out to his FAVORITE place in the world...Stone Mountain, NC. He frequented Stone Mountain State Park several times a week. He would walk the trails, talk to hikers, watch people attempt to climb the Big Rock. He loved meeting new people. My dad always says I never meet a stranger, I guess I got that from my PawPaw. I wanted a picture of my PawPaw in front of his most FAVORITE SPOT in his most FAVORITE place wearing my FAVORITE outfit. I had it made into a painting and it hangs in my house.

I will miss this man! But I am so happy he is home. After 40 years, he is reunited with his wife. He is comforted by his Father and enjoying the rewards for his faithfulness. I love you so much PawPaw and will miss my time with you! But you will forever be in my heart.
"His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter you into the joy of your lord." ~ Matthew 25:23